Executive Director , Booz Allen Hamilton (Japan), Inc.
President, Matrix, Inc.
Ms. Matsuda, Executive Director of Booz Allen Hamilton in charge of CFO Agenda and Corporate Finance & Strategy that focus on top management matters in the field of financial management and capital markets. She is also President of Matrix, Inc., her own advisory company in this field.
Ms. Matsuda has actively developed the consulting field to integrate management/business strategy and finance strategy. Prior to joining Booz Allen Hamilton, she was a partner of Corporate Directions, Inc., a domestic management consulting company spun off from The Boston Consulting Group, and worked as debt-side investor to LBO/MBO, M&A & Structured Finance as well as credit analyst in The Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd. , and credit rating analyst in Moodyfs Investors Service.
Ms. Matsuda graduated from Ecole Nationale de Pont et Chausse for MBA and holds a B.L from the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. She is actively involved in activities in several governmental committees and in education in the field of finance through seminars, lectures and publication.